Monday, September 3, 2012

Cheryl Taves - September 2012 - Artist of the Month

In my painting I am concerned with the act of relationship: with the self as expressed through the process of painting and with the interrelationships of the world around us. I am interested in change, growth and personal perception – cycles of decay and renewal – deconstruction and reconstruction.

I choose to explore these ideas through my relationship with the medium; the materials and methods becoming the dominant driver in my work. I begin with out predetermined conclusions, but with the simple intention to respond. Allowing my internal landscape to come forward, I work intuitively and abstractly, with as little self-censoring as possible. Here there is a vast, boundless, immeasurable space.

My emphasis on process is influenced the work of non-objective painters like Cy Twombly, Joan Mitchell and Robert Motherwell, who allowed their internal processes and emotions to take shape through their painting. It’s this engagement with the ideas of automatism and the exploration of what comes forward when working from the subconscious, my internal landscape, that is at the core of my work.

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