The first photograph was a sunburn – as has been every photograph since – scars of light burning away the possibilities of shadow, the possibilities of darkness, the possibilities of the imaginary itself. It was Susan Sontag who proposed that the camera is a predatory weapon of sorts, but it was the artist Evergon who put it more aptly by suggesting that the camera is, in actual fact, a coffin of darkness, the last stand of captured night against the tortures of illuminated living.
My work explores this relationship between darkness and the imagination, mobilizing the codes of photographic representation for their material, psychological and delusional possibilities. If photography under the sign of light is mythologized as that which steals souls, my work attempts to answer the question of whether it can also give them back, not through strict representational construction but just the opposite – it is the non-representational potential of photography that I find most compelling.
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