Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Artist Joanne Thomson

“Bottled at the Ciderhouse”

If you have you ever felt bottled-up, loved, ignored or liberated then you will enjoy this exhibition. Joanne Thomson’s Bottled series explores what it is to be a human trying to communicate with other humans and uses the bottle as a metaphor for the human condition. These works are colourful and visually appealing however, their biggest attraction is that they invite us into a private world where we can see ourselves reflected. Thomson’s laughter and compassion fill the works with layers of meaning, inviting us to see our own stories. What better place to see this type of work than at Sea Cider? The walls are high, the light is great, and the layers of meanings in Thomson’s visual poetry reveal themselves more easily after a glass or two.

June 3rd to July 27th, 2009
at the Sea Cider Farm and Ciderhouse
2487 Mt. St. Michael Road, Saanichton.
11 am – 6 pm Wednesdays to Sundays.

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