Friday, November 5, 2010

Vivian Thierfelder at Winchester Galleries on Humboldt St.

Vivian Thierfelder
Member of the The Canadian Society of Painters and Watercolour

Saturday November 6, 2010

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

"In choosing the subjects for my latest works, I have concentrated on the linear aspects of flowers and still life, allowing colour and form to emerge with the use of strong natural light and often employing elements of chiaroscuro.  Contrast heightens the impact for the viewer and reveals the objects - flowers, glass or metallics to their best advantage.  I have a fascination with light playing on various textures (petals, leaves, cloth), reflective surfaces (brass, steel) and densities (water, glass).  A secondary motif that I explore at times is colour-related borders "imposed" on the works, creating a kind of window, adding energy and an element of mystery.  I find it quite magical - the manner in which a brush, pigments and paper can create a "reality": the illusion of three dimensions in two.  I hope you enjoy these works and feel the same sense of wonder that I did in creating them.".

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