Of the coast, by the coast, for the coast
BC, — See the splendour of the West Coast through new eyes at
the Raincoast Reflections – Art, Information, Inspiration exhibition
beginning October 24 at Dales Gallery.
beauty of a place is often hard to capture in an image — especially a
place as magnificent as British Columbia’s untamed coastal landscape.
However, more than 50 Canadian artists have found ways to interpret this
majesty through paintings, carvings, and sculpture. In 2012, Canadian
artists took an expedition through coastal communities, First
Nations’ lands, and the heart of wilderness to gain an understanding of
the vulnerability of this remarkable region. With this adventure as
inspiration, this talented group has created and generously donated
their remarkable pieces to the Raincoast Conservation Foundation.
The Raincoast Reflections exhibit will run from Oct. 22 to Nov. 8, with a gala opening in the evening on Oct. 24.
The collection for the art exhibit is comprised of original paintings
by Harold Allanson, Gaye Adams, Dianne Bersea, Carl Chaplin, Brent
Cooke, Carole Evans, David Goatley, Terry Isaac, Sharon Rose Kneeshaw,
Judy McLaren, Christian Morrisseau, Dorset Norwich-Young, Roy Henry
Vickers and Alan Wylie. The art exhibit is sponsored by Dales Gallery,
Maple Leaf Adventures and Turnham Woodland Barristers and Solicitors.
The pieces will be for sale. Artist-donors will be in attendance and
additional merchandise will be available—including a collection of
the artists’ contributions in the book Canada’s Raincoast at Risk, and a
short documentary.
Falconer, Marine Operations Program Coordinator for Raincoast
Conservation Foundation, talks about the region on which the art
collection is based, “This [the Great Bear Rainforest] is the largest
tract of intact temperate rainforest in the world, that’s why people are
so connected to it, that’s why people are so emotional about it. And I
believe it’s what has motivated these fifty artists to contribute their
talent and their work—to try and interpret this and explain to Canadians
why this is so important.”
proceeds from the Art for an Oil Free Coast exhibition will
support Raincoast’s mission to investigate, inform and inspire through
the conservation and protection of BC’s lands, waters and wildlife.
For more information Contact: Chris Genovali, Executive Director, Raincoast Conservation Foundation; chris@raincoast.org or by phone at 250-655-1229 x225.
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