Monday, November 1, 2010

Lyla Rye at The Art Gallery of Greater Victoria

                                                              Lab 10.2 : Erratic Room
Rye-ErraticRoomErratic Room is a mixed media installation that uses animation, sound and sculpture to create an environment that simulates what it might be like to wake up in an architectural nightmare. This work reflects the artists own fears, where the spaces within which we seek refuge become places of danger and instability. The uneasiness of the space is created through a series of animations, video footage of models she has built and architectural details from Buster Keaton films. Through structural details, lighting, sounds and animation Rye creates an environment through which the visitor can explore these architectural anxieties. In her work Rye is interested in exploring the perception of space and how we relate to and have assumptions about the security provided by architectural spaces and how those can change in various conditions
 November 4, 2010 - 7:30pm  - Exhibition Opening

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