Saturday, November 27, 2010


Six Victoria artists - Tony Bounsall; David Hunwick; David Ladmore; Laurie Ladmore; Paul Peregal; and Carole Thompson - are establishing themselves as THE IMAGISTS. Their inaugural group exhibition of paintings and sculpture will open at The David Hunwick Sculpture Studio, 211 Harbour Road (adjacent to The Point Hope Shipyard) on Thursday, December 2, from 6-9 PM. The show will continue until Sunday, December 5, at 6 PM.
Tony Bounsall, an emerging artist, creates digital imagery derived from photographic sources and "altered" photographic images. David Hunwick, a sculptor, has exhibited here and in London and throughout the UK.  He won best 3D award at the 2007 Sidney Fine Arts Show. He also gained prominence with UBC's recent Blue Whale Project. David Ladmore is an oil painter whose works have been exhibited throughout Canada and the USA. He has won the Honour Award and A.J. Casson Medal and he has just collaborated on a soon-to-be-released book called “Of Love and Water” with British poet Gerard Rochford. Laurie Ladmore is another emerging artist. Her acrylic paintings have been rapidly gaining popularity on the West Coast. Paul Peregal also paints in acrylics. He studied with Arthur Lismer of Group of Seven fame and much of his work, which has been inspired by Francis Bacon, R.B. Kitaj, and Frank Auerbach, figures prominently in collections throughout the world. Carole Thompson’s work is informed by travel and her interests in ancient cultures, astrology, biology, geometry, and metaphysics. Recent acrylics on geometrically shaped canvases have centered on the perceived properties and divinational uses of crystals and stones.
These accomplished artists have joined forces as “The Imagists” to support one another with regard to their individual aesthetic objectives and to share in the public exhibition of their own and others' works. They intend to contribute to a burgeoning of interest and activity in the Arts in Victoria, much as The Limners did in the 1970’s. Their first guest artist will be Tara Juneau, an exceptional oil painter whose work captures the light and beauty of her subjects.
Contact person: Paul Peregal 250-294-8417 or

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